Use this Google search syntax site: your topic, e.g.Open 'Full Table of Contents', use 'Find in page (Ctrl/Cmd⌘ + F)' function of your web browser, or.Try browsing the illustrated Glossary for notations you are incapable of naming.Use the chapter links below to explore content in each chapter of the handbook. MuseScore 3 features not (yet) implemented in MuseScore 4.Upgrade from MuseScore 3.x (includes a list of keyboard shortcuts that have changed).If you are upgrading from MuseScore 3, you may find the following pages useful: Contributions and Help with translations are welcome! In case of doubt, please consult the English version of this handbook, or ask for help in the Support Forum. This handbook is maintained and translated by the MuseScore community. If you are using a different version of the program, please consult the appropriate handbook for your version: This handbook is valid for MuseScore version 4.0 and above.